Counselling Theory & Practice

Inside Love

There are many kinds of love which are induced by a varied collection of motives. Romantic love is probably the most intricate of them all, and there are many reasons for that. First, romantic love does not seem to follow many of our decision-making rules: you can fall in love with anyone, at anytime, and without any precedents. »

Inside Loneliness

To some people being alone, well for a short while in any case, is like living in heaven – away from the constant demands of the kids, away from a thoughtless or nagging partner, away from the hustle and bustle of work or city life. Sooner or later though, reality kicks in and ironically they pine for the company and closeness of another human being. »

Inside Influence

Influence is a governing concept in any decision-making process, relationship and ultimately, behavioural response. It is also the raw material for the production of concepts such as power, persuasion, attraction, and many others which are highly relevant in our daily lives. »

Inside Fear

Myrmecophobia, phalacrophobia, hobophobia, acrophobia, pentheraphobia, hypengyophobia, venustraphobia, ailurophobia, gamophobia, ophidiophobia, arachnophobia, hydrophobia, alektorophobia, philophobia, logophobia and testophobia*. Do you have these symptoms for any of these? If you do, you are likely to be a normal human. »

Inside Anger

It is Friday. You woke up, went to the kitchen, and poured some orange juice into a glass. Your week has been very productive so far, and today’s weather is particularly conducive to a good mood. To enhance that positivity, tomorrow the weekend will begin and you have some interesting travelling plans. »

Therapeutic and Counselling Groups

The main purpose of all counselling and therapeutic endeavours is to bring about change. When a person joins a counselling group, it is usually to learn new ways of being, interrelating, and interacting. In a therapeutic small group the specific goals for each member can be varied but would include the expectation that change will occur (Conyne, 1997b). »

The Therapeutic Approach in Counselling

In the context of mental health, therapy has vastly changed over time. Long before the scientific approach to the treatment of mental health prevailed, attempts to discover the underpinnings of the human mind produced a wide range of therapies and theories. For many centuries, the therapeutic approach to the human mind was mostly based on supernatural and religious beliefs. »

The Importance of Counselling Supervision

It is widely accepted that all counsellors, whether experienced or just starting out, will benefit from having regular professional supervision. A supervisor acts in a mentoring role, providing emotional support as well as information and guidance. »

Multicultural Counselling

Australia is a land of enormous cultural diversity. Almost one quarter of our population were born in another country, yet most mainstream services mirror only broad Australian values and attitudes. Many of our multicultural clients may prefer to talk with a counsellor from their own cultural background, but often this may not be possible. It is therefore important that as counsellors we are able ... »

Managing Challenging Clients

Within a counselling environment, the need may arise for a counsellor to work with clients who appear resistant to change or unhappy with external assistance. Some clients, who are attending counselling due to a mandated requirement, may resent the fact that they feel coerced into attending. Such clients may cite benefits such as meeting parole conditions or court orders as their only motivation f... »

Intervention in Case Planning

Counsellors are often directly involved in the intervention phase of case planning. A counsellor may in fact be a service provider that a case manager utilises as part of their case plan. This article, however, is not focused on direct, personal interventions (although that is generally the core work of the counsellor), it is focused instead on the intervention processes counsellors can utilise wh... »

Evaluation and Feedback in Supervision

There are two fundamental evaluation dilemmas for the clinical supervisor. Firstly, as a therapist, the clinical supervisor has highly developed skills in providing a non-judgemental, non-directive, and supportive environment for their clients. »

Ending a Counselling Relationship

It's almost a paradox, but the goal of a successful counselling relationship is to, eventually, come to an end! Sometimes therapists and clients build a rewarding relationship and it may be difficult for both to formalise the end of that bond; but nevertheless, it is a vital step to effectively mark the success of the process and move forward. In this article, we will overview the formal ending of... »

Creating a Counsellor Mindset

Diverse values, specialist development, varied experiences, a unique mindset - mix it up and include a touch of interpretation and you have a human being with a social outlook. Leveraging differences between people is a daily necessity of living in societies, and leveraging our own perspective of the world - and others in it - is one of the utmost challenges in pursuing a healthy and balanced life... »

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