Counselling Theory & Practice

Parenting a Problem Adolescent, Part 1

What is a 'problem adolescent' and what is coping? What impact could change have on the parent-child relationship when the child reaches puberty? Let's explore and see if you can recognise the situation faced by many parents as we progress. »

Dealing with Negative Child Behaviour

The very basis of socially acceptable behaviour is clear communication from parents. Often parents will simply call out in a stern voice: "Jane" and expect the child to understand this command. But Jane could be shoving cake in her mouth with both hands while watching TV. »

Dealing with Aggressive Children

Children with aggressive behaviour constitute one of the most common and difficult challenges for parents, particularly for young parents. To work on this issue it is crucial that parents have developed a relationship (with the child) based on solid communication and trust. »

Communicating with Children

Edwin Friedman's quote (above) outlines a reality of communication - there is much more than mere syntax when two people engage in the process of exchanging messages. It is often complex, and most importantly, dependant (the outcome) upon each individual's cultural, social and emotional background, and the context in which the message is being delivered (or received). »

Building Relationships with Step Children

One of the most common reasons for not-so-good step-family relationships is lack of communication. It is important to include the children in family processes such as formulating rules and new rituals. This is a great start! The next thing to do is to encourage communication. »

The Role of Boundaries in Counselling

Boundaries are a crucial aspect of any effective client-counsellor relationship. They set the structure for the relationship and provide a consistent framework for the counselling process. »

Respect for the Client

If not the most important feature of professional counselling, "respect for the client" is definitely high up on the priority list. Geldard and Geldard (2005) explain that regardless of who the client is, and regardless of their behaviour, the client has come to the counsellor for assistance and deserves to be treated as a person of worth and value. »

Ethics and Disclosure

Disclosure is a controversial issue when examining therapeutic boundaries. There are two issues to consider regarding disclosure. The first is counsellor disclosure and confidentiality. The second is counsellor disclosure (ie. how much does a client disclose about their own lives to a client?). »

Ethics and Counselling

The origins of ethics are related to the introduction of moral behaviour in early societies. The application of concepts such as 'right' and 'wrong', and the definition of these concepts in different environments, induced the need for a formal approach to social behaviour - an attempt to create commonality and organisation in a society. In this context, codes of behavior were created, and differen... »

Ethical Situations in Counselling

An important aspect of counsellor training involves the analysis of ethical situations. Counsellors need to be malleable to the variety of situations in which the client’s personality traits and environmental circumstances reflect in the progress of the counselling relationship. »

Confidentiality and Professional Ethics

Have you ever found yourself involved in an ethical dilemma? Even if you are not a counsellor or mental health professional, it is most likely that at some stage of your life, you have been directly or indirectly involved in a situation in which ethical conduct was to be considered. »

Psychotherapy and the Brain

Our work is not an enviable task. People come with difficulties that range from social dysfunction to emotional disturbance. We do our best to help people to find direction and understanding, but it is not uncommon to see the same people again some time in the future. There is a disappointing amount of recurrence of disturbance and difficulty. Making therapy stick is not an easy task. »

Inside Trauma

The word 'trauma' originates from the Greek 'wound', and it refers to both psychological and physiological aspects. Trauma occurs as a result of a serious event and it has deep roots in various levels of the human mind and behaviour. What causes trauma? Psychological trauma is a broad concept, and its origins are co-related with two well-known mechanisms of the human mind: stress and memory. »

Inside Personality

Life is a learning experience. The complexity of human behaviour is finely related to the several mechanisms which define how, what and when we learn about the world. People devote varied levels of energy to observe, memorise and recount the ongoing stimuli around them – and that focus is the magical touch which produces the fascinating ambiguity of mankind. »

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